As a parent, you're always looking for ways to keep your little ones entertained and stimulated. One of the best ways to do this is through sensory activities. Sensory activities are ones that stimulate your child's senses, including touch, sight, sound, and smell. They're not only fun but also great for your child's development. Plus, making these activities at home can be a cost-effective way to keep your toddler entertained.
Here are some engaging and stimulating sensory activities that you can make at home with your toddler:
Sensory bins are easy to make and provide hours of entertainment for toddlers. To create a sensory bin, all you need is a container and something to fill it with. You can use anything from rice to sand to dry pasta. Add in some scoops, funnels, and small vehicles or farm animals for your toddler to play with, and you have an activity that will keep them entertained for hours.
Colored rice is another simple sensory activity that you can make at home. All you need is some rice, food coloring, and vinegar. Mix the food coloring and vinegar in a bowl, add the rice, and mix well. Spread the rice out on a baking sheet to dry. Once dry, your toddler can use the rice for a variety of sensory activities like creating a rice box (just like a sand box, but rice) or popping it into a sandwich bag so they explore the touch sensation.
Making your own playdough is not only fun, but it's also great for activating your little ones senses. To make playdough, mix together 8 tbsp flour, 2 tbsp salt, 1 tbsp oil, and 60ml of warm water. Add food coloring for a fun twist. Your toddler can use the playdough to make shapes, sculptures, or even use cookie cutters.
Sensory bottles are a great way to provide your young toddler with a visual sensory experience. Fill a clear plastic bottle with water and add items such as glitter, small toys, or beads. Your toddler can shake the bottle and watch as the items move around.
Create a texture board by glueing different textures onto a board. You can use items such as sandpaper, cotton balls, fur, and even dry pasta. Your toddler can then explore the different textures with their hands.
We’d love to see some of your creations, be sure to tag us #KidStoreFun.